Latest Asian American Recipes

How Not to Come Out to Your Asian Grandma

A conversation between me and my grandma during Thanksgiving.

Read the story

My cookbook, First Generation: Recipes From My Taiwanese-American Home is available wherever cookbooks are sold!

Asian food recipes and stories that explore what it means to be Asian American

Hey there! I'm Frankie. I've always felt somewhere in-between, being culturally American yet not white enough, and too American to never quite fit in to my own Taiwanese roots. I started this website as a place where I could explore my identity through food and share the recipes that define me as a Taiwanese American first-gen kid.

You'll find everything from recipes passed down from my family to dishes that blend the cultural lines and make my ancestors pass out (and that's okay!). I just want it to feel like you’re eating in my grandma’s kitchen and getting the best kind of fat with 10 year old plump me, pork buns stuffed in the face in a suburban midwestern kitchen full of steam and nostalgia.

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